Friday, May 9, 2014

Anchors in the Storm

For Edwin and I, we felt as though we had been through a storm from January through April of this year.  Everything seemed to go wrong but we knew that God was with us and in His own timing everything would be good again…. and of course with faith, it was.  Anchors in this storm were placed all around us and we now feel much stronger with these people sharing their ideas to teach us how to improve ourselves in making this dream come true.  I can really see it happening now.

Besides all of you who follow and encourage us with donating your time and money to help financially, we also have others that need to be acknowledged.  With the guidance of Northview church in helping us find people who would join our team, we now have our Society reinstated with a Board of Directors that have taken the bull by the horns and helped us in so many ways already.  We were invited to attend Mission Fest for two days this past weekend where again Northview told our story in hopes of raising money for the chicken project.

Save on Foods is another.  Just this week, they joined with us as a community partner and have many ideas how to help us.  They continue to supply all banana bread ingredients for the baking and want to help us by having fundraisers in their Fraser Valley stores.

Kids helping Kids continues to be strong.  Jinjabread cookies are still being made, Simon Fraser University did a "Night of Stars" production in Port Moody while I was gone and two amazing movie star kids named Jacob and Emma, ages 7 and 9 donated money plus a DVD player to the kids.  So many examples of our children wanting to help, which in turn is teaching our kids in Uganda how to help others in their own community.

I was invited to a birthday party with 200 people that were extradited from Uganda in Idi Amin days.  These wonderful people all live in the Richmond area and Sandra, the birthday girl, wanted them to donate to our organization instead of presents.  I also had a pleasant surprise to find out that His Excellency, John Chrysostom Alltuma Nsamba, the High Commissioner of the Republic of Uganda is coming to Vancouver on business and wants to meet me.  He has apparently been following the blog.
I am thrilled.

We had help from the missionary community in Jinja, Uganda.  John and Jen Long have gone the extra mile for us more than once and without them throughout that storm, I can't imagine. If anyone would like to visit their site you can go to  You will see where the 3 boxes of sunglasses went that were to be used as a deterrent inside the container.  Apparently, they like to take just a little something as they process them through customs.  Fooled them….bought a $300 lock.

Thanks Johnny and Jen.

We would also like to show you some current pictures of what is happening presently at the Home of Angels.

Our "Angels" holding both the Canadian and Ugandan flags.  One day we will have a pole for each and will show the community these two countries uniting to raise their children of Uganda. 

Maize was planted when I left in January as the rainy season had started.  Look at it already and eventually we will be able to help the kids with food on the table.   Maize is used for everything and a staple for their food source.

The broiler house is being plastered both inside and out.  The layer house that sits on the right of it has the floors completed inside but the windows and doors must be installed.  We must have the interior done to spec for keeping the birds alive but this also will be completed in time.  Once finished, they will order the layers from Germany.

Oh my goodness…look at the scaffolding and 10' ladder.  First time ever.  Thanks Mike for the ladder and Barry for the scaffolding.  They had never used this before and it makes such a difference to build.
The men pass on their gratitude to you both.  Both buildings will be plastered for protection.

 We needed a van desperately.  A missionary had to leave Jinja and wanted to sell.  I received a call at 3:30am that we should buy this van for taking the children to the hospital when they are sick. Perfect condition... 2001, 130,000, 4-wheel drive and not a scratch on it.  We had a donor that had sold her home and decided to tithe 10% of her profit.  The only stipulation was that we had to buy a van. Thank you God and anonomous donor…. Edwin will now be able to take the kids out and use it for emergencies.

Oh my goodness…I am going to have to learn to drive with the steering wheel on the right side…. and on roads with all those crazy drivers?

I will let you know how I do.  :)

Our special little boy, Saika.  He is in Nina's classroom showing everyone the posters that he learns from.  Saika studies these posters almost every day and has done well by them on tests at school.  We are hiring a teacher to come to the classroom on a regular basis to help bring their grades up.  Very necessary as they stuggle so…especially in reading.

This is how well Saika and Mariam have done.  They are the winners of the best report cards.
Mariam was 2nd out of 59 students and Saika was near the top of his class too.  Saika was the boy that Edwin took off the streets and didn't have very much schooling.  He studied so hard to make it and because of these kids accomplishments, Edwin had a celebration for both.  A cinnamon roll and an orange pop. Very rare to get these things over there.  It was to show the others that when they do well, he will celebrate their achievements also.

Rob…Manager of Save on Foods at the Sumas store has taken it upon himself to deliver all the ingredients to my house.  I in turn distribute to other bakers who help me.  This is another anchor to say"thank you" to.

Meet the managers of the Save on Foods in the Fraser Valley.  They have become a community partner with us and will be helping us promote our Home of Angels.  We will be periodically having fundraisers in the local stores to sell our banana bread to raise money to finish construction.

Meet Keith,  Manager of the Whatcom store, with his Assistant Manager Darren.  Rob on your far right is the Manager of the Sumas store.  Thanks to all of you for your help to promote our Home of Angels in Uganda.

What a beautiful group of kids…OK, I can call them kids because I'm old but they are truly amazing young adults.  When I was still in Uganda, they had a fundraiser for us called the "Night of Stars" performed in the Inlet Theatre in Port Moody.  The response was incredible and along with singing, dancing and a band, they were able to raise almost $4,000 for us.  Thanks to all of you from all of us.  We love you guys…...

Our kids have started their own ministry.  The name they call themselves is "God's little Angels Ministry" and they go out each week and help an elderly person.  Jaaja (Grandpa) at 97 years is having food delivered along with water.  The kids swept the area around his home and made him feel loved.
This is why Edwin and I are doing this….to serve others plus teach the kids that they too need to help and love on everyone.  Teach them about God and be there for them at all times.

There are many wonderful people following our blog.  Someone said to me last week, "Why don't you have a website?"  I just answer, with close to 52,000 hits on this simple little blog, that is all we need.

Thanks for following our story once again and thank you all so much for caring.